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Social Entrepreneurship

As a Social Entrepreneur, I believe in taking the initiative and improving the communities I am a part of. I have helped both my local (school and county) and global (Latin America) communities by using the resources and opportunities that have been made available to me. Rather than waiting around for change, I believe we should be change agents by taking action and making those changes together in order to make the world a better place.


Team Leadership

As a captain of my robotics team, I have learned a lot about leadership. This includes prioritizing competitiveness or learning, how to delegate roles, how to keep the team on track, and how to deal with team conflicts. 

Image by M. Monk

Club Leadership

I am a very active member of the Potomac Schools community. One way I participate is by leading several clubs, specifically the Hispanic Student Alliance and the Investment Club. Through these clubs, I have not only learned more about my identity and interests but also have helped others learn too!

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